Are you an engineer or a frameworker?

June 10, 2024

This question may have been on your mind some time ago, especially if you are already in the job market or searching for job opportunities. It's true that you'll see many developer roles requiring specific frameworks, particularly in web development. However, it's important to delve deeper and understand the basics and the in-depth concepts behind those frameworks. If you don't know what you are using before trying to use it, you'll reach a point where things work because of "magic" in your mind.

And that's not how things should work. I want to emphasize the importance of understanding the theoretical aspects of programming, such as OOP, Functional Programming, Reactive Programming, HTTP, HTTPS, and how applications can actually be deployed without using cloud services like GCP, AWS, Azure, or other platforms like Vercel, Netlify, Heroku, etc. Someone might say, "But I only want to know about frontend development." While you may not use all of these things, I still think it's important to know the basics to diagnose problems in the company you are working with. It's not about trying to specialize in everything but about not being completely clueless regarding the required scope of a project.

Now, you might think, why is this person telling me this? Well, nowadays we have several frameworks for various purposes. However, many people may think the one they use is the best, showing favoritism towards their preferred framework. They often forget that at the end of the day, all frameworks are just tools to build a product with certain features to maximize value. So, if you think one framework works for everything, you may be wrong. I'm not saying you can't do everything with a single framework, but is it the right decision?

The job of an engineer is not to master a framework but to choose the right tool considering the three restrictions of projects: cost, time, and scope. You need to gain experience in solving problems, not just in using a framework. If a framework gets ditched by the community, whether for performance reasons, development experience, or market preference changes (like the shift to Web 3), you may find yourself stuck with an outdated framework that doesn't provide the modern tools needed for your job.

An engineer should update their knowledge daily, staying informed about IT sector news. By reading carefully and using their previous knowledge and experience, they can discern relevant developments that may significantly impact the future from those that need more time to grow or gain relevance.

In conclusion, i want you to follow the path of engineering rather than the path of a frameworker, since frameworks are just tools and if you know how to use one really good already, you should get to touch other things to get yourself more valuable and not only rely on one thing, get competitive, get better day by day, and learn more, you should never stop yourself from learning.